Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why I'm Running

So I realized that this blog is linked to a page naming all the candidates. I didn't realize that and since I don't have a web site, I suppose it makes sense. The problem being I've been babbling on about day to day matters and haven't said a great deal of why I'm running or what I plan to do for the district should I get elected.

Why I'm running?? I honestly pondered for a while before making the decision to run the thing that put me over the edge was the division I see in the district. The school closings really caused a lot of hard feelings and I can understand them totally. RSIS is my son's school and it moved into the Sunny Hollow building. A lot of the parents of former Sunny Hollow students were not happy with the district's decision to keep the Sunny Hollow name on the RSIS sign. They feel it perpetuates the hurt by leaving the school name out there and that it may cause RSIS families to use that name when describing their school. I can totally see that because I honestly have found myself doing it on occasion, although, I usually stop myself before the name comes out of my mouth. I am not certain if anything can be done to change the sign, but if there is, I would certainly be willing to help to get it done. In the interim, I helped to get a statement read at our PTO meeting to remind parents to not use the Sunny Hollow name and also we put something in our most recent newsletter. That will at least get the awareness piece out there. I didn't do that because I'm running, I did that because I empathize with the loss and wanted to do my part to help to make it at least a small amount better.

So, if I didn't do it because I'm running why did I bring it up here? Because I think it is an excellent example of how people feel out there and that largely that resentment is manifested toward resentment of the district. I think a lot of people don't feel their opinions counted or were even considered during the process. And THAT is something I do want to help to change if I'm elected.

I want to make it clear that all opinions count and I want to work harder at making workable compromises for the problems that still are out there and need attention.

One of them is the renovations needed at Northport and Lakeview. Northport would have been the school my children would have attended had we not been chosen for RSIS. I have spent quite a lot of time there during the two referendum campaigns I was involved in and can truthfully say that my children would have thrived there. It is a really nice and charming school with a lot of really terrific, involved families in it. I would have been proud to serve on their PTO and involve myself in their other activities as well. The reason I chose RSIS over Northport had nothing to do with the school itself, it was entirely because I am of limited economic means and I felt that another language would help my children with their future. I wanted them to have every advantage when going out to get a job and the ability to speak another language, particularly Spanish is a great advantage in our global economy. That was the pure reason why I did it and I'm happy to say it turned out really well.

But, the fact remains that Northport needs some renovation as does Lakeview. I spent time at Lakeview both within my tenure during the referendums and also RSIS developed a partnership with them to share games for the Fun Fair. A partnership that I would like to see expanded because let's face it the less schools need to buy the more we can spend on the important things..our students. So I'd like to help to develop more partnerships between schools and encourage the sharing of items that they normally would have to purchase from an outside vendor. This could be expanded even to sharing fundraisers for instance using the same Magazine vendor, etc..

I keep getting off topic, I apologize for that, but there are so many things I would LOVE to have the opportunity to pursue and I want to share them all!!

One thing I'm really good at is figuring out creative ways to make things happen and to do them without spending an arm and two legs! I stretch our household budget to the maximum it can be stretched using coupons and finding ways of getting good deals and I'd use those ideas in the school board. We need to save money with the current forecast of less money from the Government, it is imperative to find new and creative ways to spend less and save more.

As far as Northport and Lakeview, I'd want to hear from the community and those who would be actually impacted by any change that is made and then I'd make the decision based on those opinions and also the best economic choice. However, I'd really work hard to communicate the reasons for any change that is made clearly and concisely.

I'd appreciate it if you would consider me when you make your important decision to vote for the school board this November.

Thought you'd want to know.

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