Thursday, January 21, 2010

Phone Books why?

I have a stack of phone books half as tall as I am and I virtually never look at them. When I need a number I either go on line or I call 411 from my cell phone. Yet, my husband insists on collecting these dinasaurs from years past. Back in the day, it made sense to have them as most folks have either internet or a cell phone or both. I think of how much they must spend in just creating the books and how much they would save by not creating as many. People without cell and internet could request one or they could even have a spot on the phone bill to opt in or out of phone books and then they'd know how many to make. I would think saving money on making phone books would bring down phone bills too. It is really a lovely plan. Though as all my lovely plans go, it probably won't go much beyond this blog!

My car is behaving badly again. It's brakes sound as if they may leave the car at any moment and go seek out their fortune somewhere else. Really, I need a different car, but to get one would involve a lot more production than I wish to be a part of at this time. Plus, I don't know that I could afford a car payment on top of other payments. So, it's back to the car repair folks to discuss the most inexpensive way to talk the brakes into staying with the car. The next thing that I'm certain is in process of packing it's bags is the exhaust system, last summer, it was planning on leaving but we managed to tie it to the car for the bargain price of $120.00 and until it breaks the ties life is good! The one good part of this car is it is never boring having it around.

Thought you'd want to know.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Speed blogging

I'm blogging fast today, no one knows what that actually means because I'm not able to type any faster really. And I'll probably say about the same amount I always do, but by saying I'm blogging fast, it makes me feel better about spending time blogging when I have a list longer than Shaquille O'Neal's arms to complete today!

Last night, I held a meeting of the 5th grade farewell committee and everything was going fine until the popcorn machine started smoking. You see, my plan was that I would have popcorn at the PTO meeting that was immediately following the 5th grade farewell meeting and that I would heat up the machine ahead of time. The reason for the popcorn is I had found a machine when I was organizing stuff for the fun fair earlier that day and thought we could use it at the fun fair if it worked. The good part about it, is I discovered it DIDN'T work. The bad part was the smoke, however, happily it was removed from the room fast enough to avoid setting off the sprinklers, so mission accomplished!! AND no more cooking by Beth outside her own kitchen anyway where all fires are covered by our insurance.

On another topic entirely, I've been thinking a lot about Prayer lately. This was caused by a verse I ran into during my Bible study, James 1: 5-8 "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."

This verse made me think about the way I pray and the things I ask for. I ask for financial help a lot, I ask for help with the kids, I ask for help for friends and relatives. But, in all those things I seem to always have a back up plan if God does not come through. This in all frankness, makes me sincerely insane. How can anyone who sincerely believes in God and Jesus Christ feel that there is a back up plan needed? God created the world in 6 days, the ENTIRE world, Jesus died and rose again and also cured countless people, performed astounding miracles, and as a grand finale saved us all from certain death by taking the punishment for our sins. So, based on that, my answer is that I need a back up plan. RIGHT.

That is why this verse said so much to me. It says that a man must ask without doubt. By having a back up plan what I mean is praying for financial help and buying a lottery ticket or going with an option for the kids without first praying about it and knowing in my heart it is right not just in my head.

My term for this is "Praying with a parachute" and I am finding it won't work for me anymore. I am going to throw the parachute out the window and free fall with God.

My mom always told me that God will provide and she was right.

Thought you'd want to know.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

No one is reading but I'm still talking

I keep blogging regardless of who is reading. I think it is therapy for me to write. Last evening I made a turkey breast. I had numerous problems getting started, including the fact that on the outside of the package it stated, "Put turkey breast side down." Well I didn't know which side was the breast because the thing had no legs. So I called a friend. She said what kind he turkey is it, I read the is a TURKEY BREAST. Which explained the lack of legs, I guess. But why would the package say, "Put turkey breast side down." if it is ALL BREAST!! It is clearly designed for experienced cooks and not those, like me who are making their first turkey at age 40+.

Anyway, so I put it on it's side on her advice. It had a gaping hole in it, but I didn't put anything in it as I didn't want to push my skills too far the first time. Then, I had to get the pager system set up. My brother got me a meat thermometer for Christmas that includes a pager so when the meat is done it rings the pager. VERY COOL, but it involved sticking an implement into the turkey and then running a cord outside the oven and attaching it to the receiver and then entering in the correct temperature so the machine knew when to page.

It was like programming a computer, but it turned out great. In fact, I cannot wait until I find some more meat to communicate with...maybe a pork roast or something.

On another topic entirely...There was an article on MSN about the fact that the Catholic Church was upset about the nature worship in Avatar. Truthfully, I thought about that when I watched the film and wondered if it would be an issue. However, the movie was a science fiction film, based on another planet. I have to feel that fantasy, meaning story telling and reality, meaning our actual God are two separate things and a reasonable person should be able to separate the two.

If we start analyzing every film's belief system then how do we feel about "The Force" in Star Wars? Or whatever it is in "Harry Potter" or "The Lord of the Rings." or the whole Vampire thing. It is fantasy, NOT reality. We need to raise our children to understand the difference between reality and fantasy and make a solid ground around them so it is clear. If we do that, then a blue person with a tail who worships a tree seen in a film shouldn't take away their entire belief system and send them off collecting acorns.

Thought you'd want to know.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Putting on the brakes!

Sometimes I just need to take a break and write. Maybe just breathe!!

My New Year's resolutions aren't going too well thus far. Remember they were to be on time and to exercise. I've decided exercise starts in February and as to being on time, it is going okay although sometimes I'm still late. I wish I knew how to solve that, maybe if something absolutely unpleasant happened when I was late I would stop, who knows? Maybe it is my nature and I should stop fighting it.

I HAVE taken out the very spoiled beagle for walks even when it was so cold my nose froze into a nosesickle. At least now things have improved on that front and now my feet just get covered in slush when we walk. My car has a leak it its windshield washer fluid container so when I fill it it only lasts about 1 and 1/2 days. This is a problem at this time of year, so I don't know if I should just throw a spray bottle in the car and spray out the window or fill it part way use it for 1 1/2 days and then re-fill again...maybe both. Old cars are definitely a challenge!!

My daughter and I saw Avatar this past weekend. I really enjoyed it. It was a total escape from reality movie the way the Star Wars movies were for me when they first came out. I just thought it was a great plot, not too violent, nor too much vulgar language or other things you do not want kids to see. It WAS really long though and I caught my daughter texting during the film, but then she texts everywhere but the shower these days! I also liked the fact that most of the actors I had not seen before they were new to me. It is possible others have seen them before but I don't get out much. Sigorney Weaver I'd seen but it was nice to see her again as she hasn't been around a lot except doing narration for the Planet Earth series on Discover. Anyway, I'd recommend the film if you want to just watch a movie for the pure fun of it!

Last, the fish house is out of the living room! The room seems so much bigger now without the tree and the fish house...the couch looks so small! Perspective does strange things sometimes! It is really NICE to have my space back and I have been on a get the house in order one part at a time, I cleaned out a cabinet, I mounted a couple of new shelves, I got rid of a bag or two of stuff, one step at a time to a new house order!!

Thought you'd want to know.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So yesterday I went to the grocery store to get groceries. I managed to come back with $30 worth of items and then went to pack my son's lunch this AM and discovered I bought nothing of use at all. Therefore, I'll be going back to the store again today. There was a story on the news yesterday that said if you shop once per month you can save up to $50 per month if you actually use all the food you buy. I just don't think I could do memory is getting so bad, I'd surely forget something.

I did get Christmas put away yesterday which is a major accomplishment and I got a lamp for a mere $4.95 plus another $4.95 for the shade. The problem is, the shade is too dark, so I may switch it for my existing shade...I'm going to try it out anyway. It is a really nice lamp! I also got a Vikings sweatshirt for $3.00. I figure that investment won't break the bank and it will allow me to root for the team as long as it goes for and then if they crash and burn I won't be out a fortune!
Not that they will, but aside from this past week's game, things didn't look too Rosy.

Last evening my daughter and I went to tour Fair School in Crystal. I was thinking of trying to get my son into it. And it did look great and I think he'd enjoy it. Plus the building was beautiful! The architecture was incredible! The problem is that the way the enrollment is set up it is by district and Robbinsdale has a huge waiting list. I'm sure it has something to do with the school closings causing a massive bail out. But we applied anyway and we'll see. If that doesn't work out, I heard of another school I'm going to look at as well. I really think he needs another year of elementary type classes. I don't think I can send him into a middle school environment it just won't work. Also, he needs a smaller school too. Noise is not his friend nor is chaos!

Thought you'd want to know.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So, I've been thinking of trying more writing. Once I told my brother I planned to write a book and he told me before I would get one published he could build a cardboard rocket and fly it to the moon. I don't consider that a confidence boost, but then I look around at what is out there for literature and I think, why could I not write a book? All I'd need is a plot, some words and a publisher, how hard is that?

I already write this blog, granted there isn't a lot of substance to the blog, it basically is rambling, I would just need to ramble more with a purpose.

Today, I have to first put laundry away and finish putting Christmas away and then run errands - get groceries and I'm going to the thrift store to find a lamp. Ours is missing the little thingy that goes on the switch, it is extremely painful to turn it on and off and they have a 25% bonus today so I figure I can get a good deal if I can find a treasure in the rough! I do enjoy bargain hunting!! If not, IKEA is also having a sale, but that means driving to Bloomington and I don't feel very excited by that prospect. Yes, I see the weirdness between a Thrift Store purchase and IKEA but ultimately, who is going to know where I got the lamp?

I've decided to make Shake and Bake porkchops today, I successfully made Shake and Bake chicken last week and I am so fired up! I had no idea I could make chicken but it turns out, all you need to do is follow the directions! I'm 40+ years old and I just clued into this, but better late than never! I also successfully boiled a lobster tail, just the tail, not a live lobster or anything, I could NOT do that!!
Give me a few more days and I'll rival Emeril with my cooking skill, stay tuned. Bam!!

My mission this week aside from cooking and getting laundry finished up is getting the fish house out of my living room! That's right FISH HOUSE! My husband made the decision he needed a fish house and assembled it in the living room. Okay. It is STILL there and granted it folds up but it folds up into a rather large sled device. It isn't small and my room cannot support it. It makes it hard to move around. I just got rid of the enormous Christmas Tree and now I have to deal with the enormous fish house on a sled. My only concern about getting rid of it is what may follow...don't really like to think of it!!

Thought you'd want to know.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Teenagers why?

Ok, so I have a teenager and I am wondering what God was thinking? NOT that I personally have a teenager but that there are teenagers at all..why could we not go from 10-20 without having to go through all the awkward crazy, I'm not sure I'm an adult or a kid...but I sure don't want to be like my parents mentality! It is nuts.

Every day poses a new challenge! I just thank heavens I've been through it so I understand some of it. The other part, the electronic part is what scares me. I can only chase around following so many text messages and facebook posts. I just need to raise her to understand the dangers out there and hope she understands and when I see something, instantly correct it so she gets the right there message.

It is a small world out there that is actually very large. Meaning we can call someone in China now, but going to China is another thing entirely. We can text someone in the jungles of Brazil, but would we want to live there? I have no idea where I'm going with this...

I worked last night until 11:30 and then drove over to my brothers to watch the countdown with the kids, husband and brother's family. Then, I noticed my gas guage was on empty so that left me getting gas at 11:45 pm and hoping I'd make it there by midnight. I did just get there right on time! But by the time I got up the driveway it was 12:01. Then, we had to visit for a bit so by the time we got home it was 1:15 am and my son couldn't get to sleep so by the time I actually got to bed it was almost 3! I slept until 11:30 but still I'm beat! NOT used to this type of thing anymore. I used to stay up late but now 11:30 is late for me.

Anyway, it is 2010 and my resolutions are to exercise again and also to be on time. That will be enough to keep me busy till 2011!!

Thought you'd want to know.