Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Still can't come up with anything...

Today I worked with the media. I sent my profile and photo into Channel 12 and agreed to be interviewed on Election Day and also to record a statement on the air. Perhaps they could use "fuzzy" light when they film me like they do for some actresses! I could be like Garbo or someone! I also sent my photo and profile answers to the Sun Post. Any amount of free publicity is a good thing as my campaign isn't actually rolling in money.

It is interesting how campaigns make money sometimes though after that Senator hackled the President his opponents campaign collected hundreds of thousands of dollars overnight! All it takes is one bully and money starts flying I guess!

Last evening we had our first PTO meeting in the evening. The attendance was great, I was really impressed and the conversation was intense. We discussed the clustering model we are using at RSI which allows high, low and medium levels of students in each class but limits the numbers to allow the teacher to reach more students. That is what I understood. However, a lot of people had concerns.

The main concern seemed to revolve around how they decided where to place the kids and that some kids are not put into what would be classed as a "dumb" class. I don't think that is an issue really. In fact, this model, the way it was explained will bring all students up at least one or two levels by allowing more attention and a different way of instructing.

It seems to be being done that way at my daughter's middle school too. She is not in AP but some of her friends are in it. Yet, my daughter still has classes with her friends. The instructor explained to us that the AP students get a different type of work, but by mixing them together it moves all students up to the level of AP students.

This sounds like a good plan to me. I will admit without putting them down, that my children aren't the brightest in the room. They have other talents though! Anything to help them academically I am happy about.

Thought you'd want to know.

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