Sunday, September 6, 2009

Peace and quiet although short lived

I enjoyed an evening of peace last night with my beagle. My son and husband were off at his brother's cabin and my daughter was off at her friend's cabin. I had to work so had to stay behind. Honestly, it was weird to be in the house with no one else for an entire evening and night, I cannot remember the last time that happened.

I went to Target and shopped around - looked at clearance clothes and then at clearance other stuff. I got a really cool butterfly chair for my daugher's room for $14.95 on clearance. Then I came home and started attempting to clean my daugher's room again. I believe I need therapy for this obsession I have with cleaning it, but considering the fact that I take on average three bags of garbage out each time I clean and I do it really often, I think I need to continue. I realize I should insist she clean it herself, and I yell about it constantly. The problem being I can remember my own mother yelling at me in the same way with the same level of success. I did eventually come around to realizing wrappers belong in the garbage and that dusting is a necessity. I needed to get there on my own though and so does my own child - not that I'll stop yelling about it and cleaning when it doesn't work.

The difference between last night's cleaning and normal cleaning is that when I got tired in the middle, I stopped. I took a break mid-clean and watched a movie. I had purchased "The Aviator" with Leonardo Dicaprio at least 6 months ago and had not had a chance to watch it. So, I sat down to watch. The thing I didn't know is the move was over three hours long! It went on and on. I did enjoy it and really didn't know much about Howard Hughes prior to watching it except that I think people kept stealing his body after it was buried or something like that? I can remember news headlines to that effect when I was growing up. He really was mentally disturbed but also made huge strides in the airline industry and without much education on the topic. I didn't know he was so involved with Katherine Hepburn. I had read a biography of her a while back and don't recall much mention of him in it.

So, when the film was finally over I continued my cleaning and finished about 10:30 pm. The other thing I noticed is when I'm alone with the dog I tend to talk to her like she's human. I believe I will be one of those old women with a pet who is in constant conversation! Not such a bad thing but kind of creepy in its way! :)

Today, I plan to haul out the pine sol and do my floors and then the bathrooms and vacuuming. I am determined to finish up the cleaning while the little feet are at a minimum. Some would say while I have this quiet time I should enjoy myself, but the joy of living in a clean house for at least a few days before the family distroys it, is good enough for me.

I also plan to work on my campaign literature. Many of the candidates were already out passing out items outside the schools I went to on open house night. I wasn't out there as I was attending the open houses. People did ask why my literature wasn't among those being passed though. I need to get on it and soon!

Thought you'd want to know.

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