Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Can't think of a title

I think it is best if I just call all my blogs "Untitled" this way, I do not need to stick with a particular pattern of subject matter. If I veer off course no one will say that I am totally "off topic" because I have not actually defined a particular topic. That is my theory and I'm stickin' to it.

This past weekend we had a garage sale for my daughter's girl scout troop to benefit their trip to Duluth this summer. My son chose to sell some of his items in it and they agreed to allow him to do so provided that he gave them half his profit. He sold quite a few of his matchbox cars at around 25 cents each. When told that all profits go toward getting rid of his sister next summer, he found that more profit should go toward the girl scouts and less into his pocket! I bring this up both because I found it hysterical and that how much people give largely depends on how the "cause" or "goal" is explained to them.

We are trying to raise money for technology for the school this year. If we simply say, technology for the school, it is less likely people will donate. If we show people the technology, i.e. the smart boards (which are fabulous!) and the other great technology items we can purchase with the funds they will be more willing to give money toward it.

The same at a District level. People who are upset about their tax dollars being mis-spent by the District need to see the really cool things that those tax dollars go toward. I was at a meeting the other day and I saw a photo of the new technology labs at RMS. They have computers that are put down lower on the desks and a see through window is on the desk so the kids can see the computer and what they are working on through it. But because they are lower down, they can also have an unobstructed view of the teacher. It is REALLY cool. However, my explanation is not cool at all and even I can't get the picture from it. These things people need to see. I think the District needs to "advertise" this type of stuff. Maybe invite the Sun Post or Star Trib or one of the local stations to film the lab and how unique it is. I've never seen anything like it. This will make people more excited about the District and it's innovations.

Thought you'd want to know.

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