Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas and after

Christmas was really nice! I was supposed to work Christmas Eve and due to the blizzard of 2009 I did not have to do that so I got to spend time with the family and that was nice! I got a very large nutcracker to add to my collection. This nutcracker is twice the size of my others and carries a ladder to boot! It is a firefighter nutcracker. I truthfully think it may scare the other nutcrackers so next year I may have to separate them!

Then, Christmas day we went to my mother-in-laws for brunch that lasted until 8pm. It was very pleasant and low key. The kids got a lot of nice gifts and spent time flying the "ufo's" my husband got them. They are little helicopter like things that glow and fly pretty much up and down but if you blow on them they vere off course. This is bad if there is an older person or toddler about. We had both and almost took them out several times. For some reason every Christmas season my husband feels at least one remote control vehicle is in order. My son was also given a very large car like thing, that goes up to 15 mph. My husband tried to play with it in my living room with the tree still present. That was quickly and loudly discouraged by me! Evidently this thing can go through snow, water and gosh knows what else!

Last night, I finally removed the very dead tree from my living room and I felt so liberated afterward I cannot tell you! I just love the feeling of having my room back to the way it was before the very large bush tree took over! Next year we are back to my subdued fake tree...yay!! That one, I will leave up until New Years! But having something turning my floor green with needles and forcing several pieces of furniture from the room does not allow for a long stay.

Today, is laundry putting away day and I will have 6 kids running about. 3 of my brothers, 2 of mine, and a friend of my daughters. The girls are wanting a mall trip this evening as my daughter got money for Christmas and she loves going from store to store to find the best bargains. I do too, so I understand and will take them. Gone are the days of just either dropping them off or being able to walk up to the mall and hang out on their own. I will be present the whole time although at a non-embarassing distance!

Thought you'd want to know.

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