Friday, December 11, 2009


I am always late. I know most people say they are late but I have made a profession out of it. I was 2 weeks late at birth and it hasn't improved much since. No matter how early I seem to start out, I still wind up late.

I remember a few weeks ago, I was 10 minutes late for a meeting and I walked in and was irritated because no one else was there, HOW COULD THEY BE LATER THAN I AM? I thought! Well, in looking at my calendar I realized, I was a week early! So, I was early that time, but too early to wait!

Another time, my best friend threw a wedding shower for me. I had signed up to bike in the iron man bike ride that at that time started and ended in Buffalo, MN. So, I thought I'd do the short ride, 62 miles (I was in shape then) and then I'd make the shower on time. Well, it rained during the race and then hailed! That held me up a bit, plus even though I was in shape, I still was tired at the end and need a bit to rest before getting in my car and heading home. When I got home I looked in the mirror and discovered tire grease all over me. Well, then I had to shower. Long story short I was 45 minutes late for my own shower!

I have decided for my New Year's Resolution I am going to resolve to be on time. I know I need to start planning now on how I'll accomplish that. I also probably have to find a book on being on time and how to do it. There probably is one, there is one on every topic. Yes, I know what you are thinking, JUST LEAVE EARLIER. It is not that simple, it can't be...

Thought you'd want to know.

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